

Crush Crush Crush

Jelas skali im "in love"...with who? i dont know.. Seriously i dont know..can somebody tell me?
This feeling i have right now is like a dillema or conflict or im out of words..

Its like, "'Oh im in love with this girl but i dont know who she is"...Entah,macam benda ghaib..
macam ade suara bercakap2 dalam hati aku tapi aku tak tau sape..

So kalau ada orang diluar sana tu pemilik suara ini..tolong beritahu...Because maybe you belong with me...

ps: Azim,Arif Danial dan sekutu2 nya..ini tkde kene mengena dengan " you-know-who " K??
ps2:This literally means im desperate,,,pfft

ps3:I dont understand how the girl i always interested to is called "ugly duckling"..


amirul azim said...

ye laa aq pcyer hehe

Asiam the Great said...

cehh "you belong with me"! :D